Monday, October 31, 2011

Where is the candy?

If you've noticed that I haven't written in a few days, thank you. You've brought some validation to the craptastic pile of snot and coughing my life has become over the last few days. In other words, I'm rockin' a nasty chest/head cold. It's not too bad, though. The worst part is waking the baby up with my coughing, because once he's up, he's up. Right now, it's just me and the four year old that are sickly. Daddy and Emmy have had it, me and Bry are in the middle if it, so all we lack now is baby Dyl. And God help us all when he gets it. Notice "when", not "if". Of course, I couldn't blog last night, even had I felt like it. Sunday nights belong to The Walking Dead.

Side note #1: Find out what happens when my friend Amber's peoples get sick here:

(Because I'm technologically illiterate and haven't asked Dr. Google how to rename a link. Just click it. You won't be disappointed.)

Yay! So it's Halloween, right? So glad I got our trick or treating out of the way the other night. I can stay home in my pajamas and not even shower if I don't feel like it. And I don't. I fell like crud. Like if you took crud and put poo on it and warmed it over the fire. (You're welcome for THAT visual.) Feeling thusly, I decided much earlier today that I was just going to lay in bed and watch the Fearfest on AMC, and take care of the baby. I can recuperate, Mommy gets better, house runs smooth again, everybody's happy.

Not so fast, Speedy.

Jeff decided that on the off chance that we get trick or treaters I need to go buy some candy from the dollar store. I just stared at him. I mean seriously, we haven't had a single trick or treater here in the eight years we've owned this house. In his defense, though, this IS probably the first year we've actually been home on Halloween evening. But these people would have to be lost. Really lost. We live in the boonies, I promise you.

Whatevs. If it means I get to stay home instead of driving around to all our families, I'll run to the store real quick and purchase goodies. And although I suspect ulterior motives on my husband's part (leftover candy, anyone?) I don't mind too much. But I'll be darned if I don't have to get out of my pj's and take that dang shower. Nobody better expect makeup tonight.

Oh, and my absolutely wonderful mother-in-law that I adore can't stand for the kids not to get surprises on Halloween, so she's bringing goodies here. Yay for Granny!

So I go to the store, even though I'm not really sure why my sick self has to. Something to do with not having any cash and my husband being debit card phobic. But I take Emmy and she does most of the shopping for me. Time to head home (bed). But already, she's begging to eat the candy we purchased for the poor, lost little trick or treaters my husband just knows we'll have.

Side note #2: It's 7:15pm, and we have yet to have the first car even drive down our road.

Predictably, when we get home, sick Bryce quickly joins in what soon becomes a deafening chorus of, "Mom, can I eat an eyeball?" "Mom, can I have a coffin?" "Just one, I promise!" "Waaaaanhhhh!" That was Dylan. He isn't old enough to ask for candy, but he's not about to be the only one not fussing in this house.

So much for my quiet recovery time in the depths of my comforter watching Halloween for the umpteenth time this month.


But seriously, we're gonna have a butt load of candy left, so I'm fixing to just let them have it. I'm tired of telling them no, and this was their daddy's brilliant idea, anyways. He can stay up with them.

So where is the candy, you ask?

Why, it's on top of the refrigerator of course. About the only place in the house the ginger ninjas can't get to. But Emmy is so long-legged, she can climb up there now, I think. Oh, well. At least the night is almost over.

I've got to go now. If I stay in the bathroom much longer, they'll stop believing I am using it and realize that I'm just enjoying the relative peace and quiet. I'd hate to lose this refuge. At any rate, my legs are falling asleep á lá Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon 2. (CLASSIC)

So, happy candy huntin'! G'nite and stay safe.

Validate my sense of worth even more! Follow me on Twitter :) @mrsjeffgray2002

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