Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kidnapped by evil vampires

I had an interesting experience the night before the last. I was kidnapped by evil vampires. And I say evil, because of course, I'm a good vampire. Or I was, in the wee hours of the morning yesterday.

I'm not really sure how I got kidnapped. All I remember is that I was, Jeff was, and a few others. The evil vampires needed to kill us to themselves stronger. It was kind of a mash up of the sequel to 30 Days of Night and Highlander.

At any rate, this evil chick vampire Lilith had us, and we were in bad shape.

Until a whole bunch of our good vampire friends came to rescue us! They must've been like the SWAT team of the vampire world-they were decked out in all black, bulletproof looking stuff. Because vampires need bulletproof clothing, I guess.

So anyway, they rescue us, but we're so weak. At this point, with evil vampires lurking, we decide that we need hot showers before we further our escape attempt. With our SWAT team vanished, we go in search of showers. It's just Jeff and I at this point.

The first door in this maze-like building does not contain showers. When we opened the door, it was an office. Despite the blood splattered on the wall, I decided that I desperately needed some paper. Predictably, at this point, a zombie-not an evil vampire-lunges from behind the door at us. I told him I was sorry to bother him, and quickly shut the door.

The next door is the showers. Obviously, time is of the essence, so we use two showers at once. And I was so mad because some dude had used the shower before me, and I had to use dude-smelling soap. And then there was no deodorant. So I yelled for Jeff to bring me some, and he brought me dude deodorant. Our escape then continued, with me smelling like a dude.

We made it to the roof and looked down, and only saw one zombie. Jeff threw a rock on his head, so we were good to go. Just had to make it back to the bottom through the maze. Because of course we went up, not down. And then, in true horror movie fashion, we decide that splitting up is a good idea. He decides to ride a motorcycle back down, but takes a shortcut through several walls, without even slowing down.

I mean, my husband was badass.

So I'm gonna go find me a motorcycle. In a large, warehouse room I find one, but I'm attacked by one of the evil vampires! I put a large, fabric cutting table between us, but just as all seems lost, a friend I used to work with, Rosalynn, shot the evil vampire. It takes her down, Roz goes about her business, and I hop on the motorcycle.

Now, I'm not as experienced a rider as Jeff, so I don't go through walls. I go down a long, spirally staircase and bust out the front door. It seems deserted, so I decided to go to a couple of yard sales down a side road.

While I was buying towels, I mentioned to the lady my surprise at the lack of zombies and vampires on her road-so much that she felt safe having a yard sale. "Oh, we haven't had zombies on this road in years," she assured me.

Beginning to feel weak again, by myself with no clue where my husband is, I decide to ditch the bike for a truck I see. But just as I get to the truck, the zombie horde comes from out of nowhere! They are closing in, coming faster and faster, and then...

And then I wake up.

Did I mention we've all been sick? That night, and the night before, I had a total of maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep altogether. The rest of the time I was awake with a screaming baby. Last night was the first decent night's sleep I've had in several days.

No, this is not your brain on drugs. This is your brain on sleep deprivation.

It was a kickass dream, though! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Follow me on Twitter :) @mrsjeffgray2002

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